
Vol.30 Smoke Some More

No. of Tracks: 8
Total Runtime: 55 min
Date of Creation: December 2016

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This is Part I of the Breakthrough Trilogy. Vol.30 - V.32 are three very important series of works that mark a critical transitional period in my musical journey, which is why I call them the Breakthrough Trilogy. At this point, I had reached a high level of maturity as a songwriter, a vocalist, a composer, a sound engineer, and a keyboard improviser. The culmination of my previous learning and experiments along these different creative paths gave rise to a brand new musical language with unparalleled originality, intellectual depth, and emotional expressiveness. “Smoke Some More”, “O.M.G.”, “Polaris (EDM Remix)”, “X.X.X.”, and “Who’s Got Trap” are five compelling masterworks in this volume. In “Smoke Some More”, the synth sound stays on the same note from 5:50 to 6:00, briefly shifts away, then returns to the same note and remains in stillness for another 10 seconds. That stunningly breathtaking stillness is more emotionally intense than any melody that can possibly be composed. The keyboard synth improv sections in “O.M.G.” and “Polaris (EDM Remix)” are among the greatest keyboard improvisations of all time. The melodies are extremely economic, with every single note striking the most sensitive spots on the eardrum.